Mickey' story
Mickelina E. Mitchell (Born as Mickelina E. Castrovallari, Parents: Nicholas Castrovillari and Josephine (Passeto) Genovese) died on June 25, 2012. She was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery http://www.catholiccemeterieschicago.org/locations.php?id=9
We plan to include her story and many pictures and videos on this website.
There was a long history of a very challenging second marriage, including Mickey tolerating her husband’s affairs and abuse. Mickey continued to accept living in a very hostile and abusive environment. There is a serious history of abuse over the entire past three-year period while she was last living in the house in Oak Lawn, Illinois.
Mickey had to vacate her home at 5846 west 87th Pl, Oak Lawn, Illinois on August 2, 2010 due to serious domestic and elder abuse charges. Mickey was in the process of getting a divorce from her husband Kenneth Mitchell. There were charges of repeated mental and physical cruelty from her husband and caretaker and Mickey had to vacate the house for her well-being. In addition, there were serious charges against Kenneth Mitchell for dissipating the marital assets, which included substantial funds, which were in her name, with her children as beneficiaries.
The divorce was filed in 2010, in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Domestic relation Division Case 10 D 8664. Mickelina E. Mitchell vs. Kenneth E. Mitchell.
In a pretrial court meeting on June 23, 2011, the judge gave her pretrial opinion and was going to award a substantial amount of Kenneth Mitchell's income and assets, including one half of his pension estates and monthly income, which exceeds several thousand dollars per month when Mickey only had a $ 360 a month social security check.
However, Mickey died a few days later on June 25th, 2011 and the case was closed. Her husband came to the funeral and burial uninvited and said he would pay over her funeral savings account after the funeral, which he was holding as a fiduciary and would also return other personal items, including many pictures to host on this site. He also agreed to buyback her share of the property for the current market value. However, after the funeral Ken Mitchell did everything to work against Mickey Mitchell wishes and did everything to avoid complying with her request or any of her family members requests. Her husband was unfit to serve as any fiduciary as he was in divorce proceedings with her and had no incentive to serve in a position of trust. Mickey's lawyers did not believe a will was necessary and was grossly negligence in carrying out their responsibilities. Mr. Mitchell refused to turn over her funeral saving accounts and pay for her funeral or turn over personal items, and he stated he had no moral or legal obligation to do so and had no remorse for what he had did to her. He felt it was his way of punishing her. The funeral expenses were paid by her sons. Thus, Ken Mitchell was dishonest and was only concerned with self-dealings. However, there were many more serous problems than the handling of the funeral savings as noted in the court case proceedings.
Some of the documents will be released, including Mickey’s handwriting of abuse and requested items. Mickey had over a third of a million dollars, which was depleted and included in her divorce proceedings case. Since she died, she was not able to recover any funds.
One of her final greatest gift was to remove her from such an abusive home environment. The quality of her life was greatly improved in her last year once being removed. All of her medical team and attorneys supported her in being in a safe environment away from her husband’s control. One only has to look at her pictures and videos before and after her long recovery and compared them to the pictures in July 2010 and the differences are remarkable. She had a real medical team and family support system and a much better quality of life.
She finally was able to stand up for herself and this was certainly very unusual for an 89 year-old woman. Her story is very compelling. It is such a joy to have her live out a life free from so much stressful abuse. Both her medical team and family supported her, and her own faith helped bring sanity and a new life.
She left with a smile believing she won the case since the judge told her what her pretrial award would be. Mickey felt very pleased that she could resolve so many issues over her last year and come to a higher understanding, which she began to own as wisdom. She had reached a level of completeness and decided doing the right thing was most important. She stood up for herself and that was an incredible challenge for an 89-year-old fragile woman to stand up her abusive husband.
She was proud that she could finally stand up for herself once in her life and say no to fraud and abuse and realize she did not need to live in the situation she was previously in and that her abusive husband had no power over her anymore. She had a renewed sense of empowerment and it is something the women's movement continues to promote for abuse women all over the world.
She said she was free! She said she was able to walk away free at the end of her life knowing she had overcome her greatest fear of standing up to a tyrant woman abuser conman. She said how many elder women could do this? She is one of the few in this country and one of the most remarkable stories ever to have a good ending in terms of a feeling a freedom, of winning her rights. This was so beautiful to experience and witness. It was as if she had to complete this final stage in her life and be free from the prison that was created for her.
Some experts said she experienced the Stockholm syndrome in her relationship with her husband but she made a remarkable transition to freedom. She was able to let go of the fear and knew she had a family that loved and supported her. In the end, unconditional love was the most important thing for her and she felt that in her family. She set a great example for us in the end and it was so sad for us to lose her. She is gone but lives on in our hearts forever. God bless her soul!
Hack Funeral Home announcements for Mickelina E. Mitchell
(Pre-paid legal provider)
Legalshield, formerly a publicly held firm, is now privately owned by equity firm MidOcean Partners
Mickey Mitchell unfortunately used an incompetent LegalShield firm in the Chicago area:
Evans, Lowenstein, Shimanovsky & Moscardini, LTD
Chicago, Illinois
The family believes the firm was grossly negligent and/or incompetent in handling her case. The firm did not deem a simply Will was necessary for an 89 year old woman, who was being abused by her husband and her husband was charged with misappropriation of marital assets, and he had the motive and opportunity and means to further his interest. Mickey Mitchell was not protected and the family suffered financially and emotionally.
The family could have used an online legal firm such as legal Forms Direct (cost $29) to take care of this simple issue. Instead, Evans, Lowenstein, Shimanovsky & Moscardini, LTD did not fulfill its fiduciary duties and have taken advantage of an 89 year old woman and the family distress in order to continually over-bill the client. Several gross errors were made due to incompetence or fraud. This Legal Shield firm has cost the family considerable grief and have acted in an unethical and unprofessional manner. Further investigation is necessary.
A full investigation of LegalShield and its Chicago representative Evans, Lowenstein, Shimanovsky & Moscardini, LTD will be forthcoming over the next several months. It is important to come forward and disclose all improper behavior of the Legal Shield organization. LegalShield (Formerly Pre-Paid legal service inc. ) has previously been under investigation by both federal and state agencies.
Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery http://www.catholiccemeterieschicago.org/locations.php?id=9
We plan to include her story and many pictures and videos on this website.
There was a long history of a very challenging second marriage, including Mickey tolerating her husband’s affairs and abuse. Mickey continued to accept living in a very hostile and abusive environment. There is a serious history of abuse over the entire past three-year period while she was last living in the house in Oak Lawn, Illinois.
Mickey had to vacate her home at 5846 west 87th Pl, Oak Lawn, Illinois on August 2, 2010 due to serious domestic and elder abuse charges. Mickey was in the process of getting a divorce from her husband Kenneth Mitchell. There were charges of repeated mental and physical cruelty from her husband and caretaker and Mickey had to vacate the house for her well-being. In addition, there were serious charges against Kenneth Mitchell for dissipating the marital assets, which included substantial funds, which were in her name, with her children as beneficiaries.
The divorce was filed in 2010, in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Domestic relation Division Case 10 D 8664. Mickelina E. Mitchell vs. Kenneth E. Mitchell.
In a pretrial court meeting on June 23, 2011, the judge gave her pretrial opinion and was going to award a substantial amount of Kenneth Mitchell's income and assets, including one half of his pension estates and monthly income, which exceeds several thousand dollars per month when Mickey only had a $ 360 a month social security check.
However, Mickey died a few days later on June 25th, 2011 and the case was closed. Her husband came to the funeral and burial uninvited and said he would pay over her funeral savings account after the funeral, which he was holding as a fiduciary and would also return other personal items, including many pictures to host on this site. He also agreed to buyback her share of the property for the current market value. However, after the funeral Ken Mitchell did everything to work against Mickey Mitchell wishes and did everything to avoid complying with her request or any of her family members requests. Her husband was unfit to serve as any fiduciary as he was in divorce proceedings with her and had no incentive to serve in a position of trust. Mickey's lawyers did not believe a will was necessary and was grossly negligence in carrying out their responsibilities. Mr. Mitchell refused to turn over her funeral saving accounts and pay for her funeral or turn over personal items, and he stated he had no moral or legal obligation to do so and had no remorse for what he had did to her. He felt it was his way of punishing her. The funeral expenses were paid by her sons. Thus, Ken Mitchell was dishonest and was only concerned with self-dealings. However, there were many more serous problems than the handling of the funeral savings as noted in the court case proceedings.
Some of the documents will be released, including Mickey’s handwriting of abuse and requested items. Mickey had over a third of a million dollars, which was depleted and included in her divorce proceedings case. Since she died, she was not able to recover any funds.
One of her final greatest gift was to remove her from such an abusive home environment. The quality of her life was greatly improved in her last year once being removed. All of her medical team and attorneys supported her in being in a safe environment away from her husband’s control. One only has to look at her pictures and videos before and after her long recovery and compared them to the pictures in July 2010 and the differences are remarkable. She had a real medical team and family support system and a much better quality of life.
She finally was able to stand up for herself and this was certainly very unusual for an 89 year-old woman. Her story is very compelling. It is such a joy to have her live out a life free from so much stressful abuse. Both her medical team and family supported her, and her own faith helped bring sanity and a new life.
She left with a smile believing she won the case since the judge told her what her pretrial award would be. Mickey felt very pleased that she could resolve so many issues over her last year and come to a higher understanding, which she began to own as wisdom. She had reached a level of completeness and decided doing the right thing was most important. She stood up for herself and that was an incredible challenge for an 89-year-old fragile woman to stand up her abusive husband.
She was proud that she could finally stand up for herself once in her life and say no to fraud and abuse and realize she did not need to live in the situation she was previously in and that her abusive husband had no power over her anymore. She had a renewed sense of empowerment and it is something the women's movement continues to promote for abuse women all over the world.
She said she was free! She said she was able to walk away free at the end of her life knowing she had overcome her greatest fear of standing up to a tyrant woman abuser conman. She said how many elder women could do this? She is one of the few in this country and one of the most remarkable stories ever to have a good ending in terms of a feeling a freedom, of winning her rights. This was so beautiful to experience and witness. It was as if she had to complete this final stage in her life and be free from the prison that was created for her.
Some experts said she experienced the Stockholm syndrome in her relationship with her husband but she made a remarkable transition to freedom. She was able to let go of the fear and knew she had a family that loved and supported her. In the end, unconditional love was the most important thing for her and she felt that in her family. She set a great example for us in the end and it was so sad for us to lose her. She is gone but lives on in our hearts forever. God bless her soul!
Hack Funeral Home announcements for Mickelina E. Mitchell
(Pre-paid legal provider)
Legalshield, formerly a publicly held firm, is now privately owned by equity firm MidOcean Partners
Mickey Mitchell unfortunately used an incompetent LegalShield firm in the Chicago area:
Evans, Lowenstein, Shimanovsky & Moscardini, LTD
Chicago, Illinois
The family believes the firm was grossly negligent and/or incompetent in handling her case. The firm did not deem a simply Will was necessary for an 89 year old woman, who was being abused by her husband and her husband was charged with misappropriation of marital assets, and he had the motive and opportunity and means to further his interest. Mickey Mitchell was not protected and the family suffered financially and emotionally.
The family could have used an online legal firm such as legal Forms Direct (cost $29) to take care of this simple issue. Instead, Evans, Lowenstein, Shimanovsky & Moscardini, LTD did not fulfill its fiduciary duties and have taken advantage of an 89 year old woman and the family distress in order to continually over-bill the client. Several gross errors were made due to incompetence or fraud. This Legal Shield firm has cost the family considerable grief and have acted in an unethical and unprofessional manner. Further investigation is necessary.
A full investigation of LegalShield and its Chicago representative Evans, Lowenstein, Shimanovsky & Moscardini, LTD will be forthcoming over the next several months. It is important to come forward and disclose all improper behavior of the Legal Shield organization. LegalShield (Formerly Pre-Paid legal service inc. ) has previously been under investigation by both federal and state agencies.