Mickey’s life story is intended to be an inspiration to others who inspire to enjoy the essence of life. Mickey will share her life story including her tribulation of elder abuse and domestic violence. This website will also include information resources to help women who who have suffered domestic violence and abuse. This site will also include resources for elder abuse from domestic partners, care takers and others.
" The best and most beautiful things in world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller
" The best and most beautiful things in world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller
MickelinaMitchellFoundation.org for Domestic and Elder Care Abuse
My goal to help other woman who have been abused physically, mentally, and emotionally.
There is always hope!
I have endured an intolerable amount of spousal abuse and I hope that my story may help other woman avoid this tragedy . Please note that I have included useful resources. In my case, I was so fearful to report physical, emotional and mental abuse. I am from a generation of women where we would not speak about these things. But now I am no longer afraid to stand to speak out and encourage other woman to take courageous steps to free themselves from domestic abuse, especially elder abuse. There is hope and a better world for you.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Signs of Abuse and Abusive Relationships
Women don’t have to live in fear:
- In the U.S., call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE).
- UK: call Women’s Aid at 0808 2000 247.
- Canada: National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-363-9010
- Australia: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 200 526
- Or visit International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies for a worldwide list of helplines,
Amazon Books on: "women abuse" http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=women+abuse&tag=mh0b-20&index=stripbooks&hvadid=21332592&ref=pd_sl_54lxetcflo_p
Another way in which older people might be harmed is when they are taken advantage of by caregivers. This could include having their money or property taken, being induced to perform sexual acts without consent, or being forced to perform other services for the benefit of a caregiver. Such exploitation might not endanger the older person's health or safety, but it may result in the loss of the person's property or self-esteem. Thus, these situations may call for state intervention.
Many states define exploitation as the wrongful use of an older person's resources for another person's profit or advantage. State laws use various terms to denote the wrongful nature of the act, such as "illegal," "improper," "unjust," and "without legal entitlement." Some definitions refer simply to the misuse of the person's funds, property or person. Some states specify that, to qualify as exploitation, the resources must have been obtained without the older person's consent, or obtained through undue influence, duress, deception or false pretenses.
* http://injury.findlaw.com/torts-and-personal-injuries/statutory-protection-of-older-persons.html
What Is Domestic Violence in Later Life? **
Domestic violence in later life occurs when a person uses power and control to inflict physical, sexual, emotional, or financial injury or harm upon an older adult with whom they have an ongoing relationship. The aggressors include spouses and former spouses, partners, adult children, extended family, and in some cases caregivers. The problem occurs in all communities, and affects people of all ethnic, cultural, racial, economic, and religious backgrounds. Although most victims are female, men can be harmed, too.
Generally, abusers use a pattern of coercive tactics, such as isolation, threats, intimidation, manipulation, and violence, to gain and maintain power over their victims. Often they tell their victims where they can go, whom they can see, and how they can spend their money — in other words, control their decisions. Some abusers use their role and power to financially exploit their victims. Others feel that they are entitled to get their way because they are the "head of the household," or because they are younger and physically stronger than their victim is.
Some experts view late life domestic violence as a sub-set of the larger elder abuse problem. Elder abuse, broadly defined, includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, financial exploitation, neglect and self-neglect, and abandonment. The distinctive context of domestic abuse in later life is the abusive use of power and control by a spouse/partner or other person known to the victim. The domestic violence and aging networks are encouraged not to try to draw fine lines between the two service systems. That is, not to try to answer, “Is this domestic violence?”, or, “Is this elder abuse?” Rather, efforts should be made to maximize the capacity of both systems by partnering to meet older victims' unique needs.
To learn more about the relationship between elder abuse and domestic violence, please read the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) issue brief “Late Life Domestic Violence: What the Aging Network Needs to Know.” In addition, the NCEA produced a complete series of briefs on late life domestic violence. To view the complete series, visit the “Publications” section of the NCEA website and select the topic “Domestic Violence in Later Life” from the menu.
** http://www.aoa.gov/AoARoot/AoA_Programs/Elder_Rights/EA_Prevention/DVLaterLife.aspx
Resources and Links Domestic Violence in Later Life:
- National Center on Elder Abuse factsheet: Domestic Violence: Older Women Can Be Victims Too
- National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Other Domestic Violence Resources:
- Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women
- Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Tribal Coalitions (list)
- Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health: Violence Against Women Program
- Department of Health and Human Services, CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control: Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Initiative
- Department of Health and Human Services, CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control: Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative
- http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/areas-focus.html (list)
Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation General Information